Smart power couple
Alexa is ALBERTO's New
Some men are afraid to interact with a female. It's different with Alexa. The smart gizmo is arousing a lot of curiosity and drawing customers looking for the chance to have an easy-going chat with her into the Alberto store. She's totally programmed for smart conversation. Pre-programmed, to be exact. The software "ALEXA" from Amazon is housed in a cylindrical speaker (Amazon Echo) and is verbally controlled. Alexa is currently celebrated as the future of smart home technology, with a variety of possibilities.
ALBERTO has turned Alexa into Smart store technology for the benefit of the customer. ALBERTO's Concept Store in Mönchengladbach is the first store in Germany to set Alexa loose on its customers. The voice-guided interaction system answers questions on the current collection, styles, shapes or compa-ny history. It's a state of the art gimmick that will waken new interest. In any case, it creates emotions and cosequently a special and sustainable shopping experience. Alexa does place value on certain forms of behaviour. Above all, she always wants to be addressed with “Alexa”. Once you do that, she's very chatty and informative. No question is too much, and the software patiently responds with humor and charm. The charming side of digitisation, exclusively for Alberto customers.
The intelligent voice system is even capable of learning. It is currently being fed with plenty of information about trousers and about ALBERTO. In this way, owners of Alexa can even bring these “skills” home with them - compa-rable with an app for internet-enabled house technology - and chat comforta-bly with Alexa about ALBERTO on the couch at home. If, for example, you ask her "Alexa, ask ALBERTO, why you chose ALBERTO as your first store in Germany" then she’ll probably answer: “Because the two of us just make an awesome fit." This innovative project was conceived and implemented by the Krefeld agency three-2-one under the leadership of owner Jörg Pressel.
Tip: Just try it out on the spot! The Concept Store from ALBERTO is sticking to the promise it made a few months ago: A perfect mix of experience and convenience. Smart ideas have always been the strengths of the brand. Whether it's designs or fits, functions or styles, sales or product presentation. ALBERTO has a lively passion for intelligent solutions. Deploying Alexa as an inspiring, digital assistant is a really smart move that will get a lot of people listening attentively.
The company is already considering placing the voice controlled loudspeaker in its showroom soon. And who knows, perhaps, before long, Alexa will also be found on the POS surfaces of ALBERTO.