What a first impression!
(Not just) all facade - ALBERTO store is also an eyecatcher from the outside
Some people say that you can't judge a book by its cover. Oh really? When it comes to fashion, a perfect look and staging are essential. They're also the basis for a successful strategy. That's why the trousers specialist with a pas-sion for smart solutions and innovative ideas has really spruced up the out-side of its concept store in Mönchengladbach. Since very recently, a sophisti-cated facade design made of a translucent metallic mesh has adorned the building at the old market in Mönchengladbach. A similar expanded metal facade also covers the world-famous Museum of Contemporary Art in New York.
The visual message of the new front view of the ALBERTO store is recog-nisable at a glance: The inside is just as stylish as the outside. The aesthetic exterior appearance inspires visitors to experience the different ALBERTO themes inside, with their sophisticated collections and product innovations. This is why three-dimensional expanded metal has been placed on the fa-cade. In a subtle way, it resembles the fold of a cloth. Shapes in the three-millimeter thick aluminium are reminiscent of weaving techniques. For the ALBERTO concept store, expanded metal was worked into a three-dimensional curved curtain façade for the first time. To put the idea into prac-tice, specialists had to create a 3D computer model. In this way, the facade could be designed in precise detail. As well as this, the front was anodized in a warm colour. The interior design harmonised with the surfaces of natural stone, wood and steel.
The sculpted exterior appearance of the stores also means a visible apprecia-tion and revival of the environment. In the choice of the site in Hindenburg street at the historic Old Market, this aspect played an important role for ALBERTO. The company has always been very bound to its origin. It wants to lead a renaissance of this district, where people are once again strolling and browsing. The trouser label also shows its concern with the wellbeing of the region through its partners, last but not least, in the choice of architects: the hillekamp + weber architectural studio also comes from Mönchengladbach. It's succeeded in showing off the concept store in the right light. Literally, be-cause the translucent metal fabric makes for a variety of light and shadow, depending on the time of day. Detached from light and weather, the store concept works well in the interior: an urban, emotionally charged concept space between fashion, design and events. A modern bridge between con-venience and experience. In the concept store, classic shopping is "only" the introduction to an inspiring and sustainable shopping experience. With the perfect look, of course. Thanks to the new facade, this is clear to everyone around.